Interested in helping? Save this date!
Now that we’ve spent some time in our new premises, we’ve got a feel for the space and drawn up designs for the workshop.
The next big step is to BUILD it! We are opening up our doors to anyone interested in helping us with any aspect of the build-out on the weekend of 11th–12th May. We’re confident that with your help, we can collectively push this over the line!

If you’re interested in helping with the build-out, here are some important details:
When? Saturday 11th and Sunday 12th May, from 9am – 5pm.. Feel free to drop in at any time in that window!
Where? On Aberfeldy’s main square, in the premises formerly occupied by Square Feet
What will we provide?
- Building supplies
- Tools
- High-level guidance on what we’d like to build. And teams, led by experienced members, will tackle tasks with help from others
- Snacks and drinks
What can you provide?
- Your own tools, if you have them (especially more specialist ones)
- Your enthusiasm and sense of fun!
If you do plan to attend, please complete this form to help us gauge numbers and skills.
Hope to see you there, and thank you for your support!
Interested in helping?
Save the date of May 11/12, and complete this survey to let us know you can help