Custom Bikes/Wheels

Build your dream bike

Looking for a bike that's all your own? A completely custom bike build is as good as it gets - allowing you to select every part from the rubber to the grips to make a bike perfectly suited for your needs.

  • Custom Bikes
    Select everything from the frame, wheels and every component. Ideal if you're planning a big trip, need a bike for a specific use, or just want a bike to match your unique style. We work with a range of frame manufacturers, component makers, and parts companies to build your dream machine.
  • Custom Wheels
    Looking for a fresh set of wheels to match your bike? Or a burly pair of wheels designed for months of adventure? A custom wheelset is often the only way to go. Check out the brands we work with, or contact us if don't see what you're looking for.

And custom doesn't mean expensive. Even if you're on a budget, we can help build a custom bike or wheelset just for you.

Our Specialty
We specialize in off-road adventure bikes, perfect for tackling Scotland's variable trails and roads. Our expertise comes from 30+ years of experience in cross-continental, off-road touring, and we're more than happy to discuss your next big adventure and help build a bike.